Thursday, May 5, 2011

14th Letter May 2, 2011

On my Mission-

So this week has been crazy!

Last Tuesday we decided to go and check on some former investigators in what is called Myrtle Wood which is government housing. They were investigators from 2008, so we kind of knew that we would meet all new people, and we did.

My first one I totally thought that they were Albanians, they weren't but close. They were Russian. They kicked us out pretty fast! The next house we went to was a Man named Marcus, and he said he didn't have time but he set up an appointment for tomorrow, so my first investigator.

After that it got even better, because we met Emad and his family, and they are from Iraq. We taught him a first lesson and he asked us to come back in a week and set up an appointment, so two investigators my first REAL day in the area.

Then we went to Jose's house who was an investigator. His mom answered the door, and YELLED, "It's the Mormons! COME IN and teach me." However she only spoke Spanish, some English, I tried my Albanian on her it didn't work..ha ha...So we popped in the Restoration video in Spanish and watched it with her. She was tearing up. Right when it was about to do the first vision her cell phone started playing some big booty song and it was right by me, so me being the cunning person I am, hurried and hid it under the pillow next to me and sat on it so she couldn't hear it...She may have missed a call but she felt the spirit for sure!

Haha, after that she said, "I have one question. Do you let dark skin people into your church?" We were shocked, and said YES and replied with a good scripture. After that I just blurted out before I could stop myself, "BAPTISIMO????" and she said, "YES YES YES YES YES please." So we have May 28 set for her but she left to Puerto Rico? for ten it might be pushed back....funny though, it was a little unreal.

Then we drove over to Karen's, who was a former as well and taught her a first lesson and she said she loved it because she could see the pureness in our eyes, it was sad- she really had red eyes....She set up appointment for last night, but called and cancelled. SO four investigators and a baptism commitment on my first day is not bad.....

On Wednesday we had to go get all 4 brakes in our car fixed, then we went to Cameron and did our service and hung out with my hood friends. We cleaned up their huge freezer. We are doing a HUGE service project with them this Saturday with the whole ward, we are painting so it should be fun. I love the hood...Wednesday night the RAIN RAGED and there was a tornado warning, the sky was green, and it's so weird that almost every day there is HUGE dark cloud of Rochester, you can tell it's a little evil...

A man from the Bronx who grew up in the streets of NY city said Rochester is more dangerous then that ever for sure. We ended up going to the RS activity with our investigator Hu Yen (we taught them this week to and her husband Alex). I was soaked from HEAD to TOE. I almost blew away and the umbrella was seriously flying out of my hands. It rains A LOT here. I have only had one day with out rain. It was a good activity though, it's gardening for city girls, I am sending you the papers in your mothers day box...

Thursday we went to Palmyra for our site meeting and training ALL DAY. I am part of a trying thing, so I will be with my trainer for 12 weeks and then I will train on my third transfer. The site meeting was cool, and I think it's a secret they are announcing it on my 15 i think, but they are opening up another HUGE VC in Harmony PA (SCRANTON)!!!.

It is going to be HUGE. Our groundskeeper BOB PARRET? whose not a member but knows everything and is so good about it. He is heading up the project so he came and gave a presentation. It was sweeet! I thought mom would like this because there are archelologist right now digging to find information.

Saturday we worked at the Joseph Smith Farm and on my third time I gave my first SOLO tour to three future missionaries (with calls), two parents, and a person with a baptisim date. It was sweet. SO for the sites we have three site manuals. One for the Grandin (BOMPS) where the BOM was bound and sold, the Joseph Smith farm (JSF) and the the Whitmer farm (WF). Then the Hill Cummoarh (HC) is self explanatory. We have try to do about 5 hours of studying a day. 1 personal 1 and 1'2 of companionship, then 1 hour of sites, then i try to get in as much Albanian as i can!. It is a long time to study. Me being the huge history buff that i am, not, am learning ALOT about early church history. Elder Lenker wants us to read JS history at least once a week as well...Our entire mission. It should increase our testimonies and improve our language and thoughts. It has!

Sunday was great. Some random girl, Senytra, showed up with her son Trinity and said she wants in. The ward was great this week. We had like 3 member dinners this week, one took us to fast food. I was sick for maybe 4 days... I have lost all 12 pounds I gained. Yay!

Anyways things are great in Henrietta and the Hood. The sites are so fun, I have only worked the HC and JSF and I get to do the Grandin this week. But because its an hour drive its long.......

well, love you all you're hot!
Sista V

April 25, 2011 Letter 13

"On my Mission"
WOW, this week has come and gone. It was a pretty long week for sure. Apparently I came at the beginning of the busy time of the year.

I was put in Henrietta? My Trainer is Sister Wilkinson, and she will go home in July. We live in the nicest apartment, so we are the lucky ones but we are so far away from everyone! Our President has us living outside our actual area. This mission is very unique because we are proselyting and site sisters.

So, as what is called "pageant month" comes we leave our areas for two weeks and all of the sisters move into one home ( well at least 14) of us and we will work from like 6:30 in the morning till midnight... That's coming up in July, something to look forward to.

Yesterday (my first time in NY church) a man walked up to me and said, "I don't care if you are obedient at all on your mission, except those two weeks in the summer." He said, "That alone will get you to heaven." Pretty funny.

So we do A LOT of driving- almost 90 to 100 miles a day going from our area to the sites, which is kind of a bummer because I get car sick....Other than that i have been UBER healthy for some reason. Maybe it was just the MTC. I am healthy, still tired all of the time, but good!

We had our first baptism and it was great, not a lot of people showed up which is sad but it was Easter, I guess.

Yesterday at church was different. Lets just say it is NOTHING like a ward you would find out west at all. It is kind of sad, but there is a lot of work to do. We have been doing a lot of inactive work, member work, and not too much with nonmembers yet because they were all out of town for spring break. So this week is jam packed with lessons, service and working at the sites.

Working at the sites is very different. It is like a JOB that you need to show up for. Its super nice, but just a different then what I have expected.

I love reading the scriptures here though because this is were it all started.

It is HARD work, and sometimes not very fun, but I am doing well and trying my best. I miss you all and love you all! Write me at my new "New York" address!!!!!
-Sister/Motra Vaterlaus

Letter 12 April 20, 2011

Hey, Mom! I get to do a quick email today!

So, I am serving in Henrietta! I do the sites like twice a week but mostly proselyting....
no joke. We have a super nice car and we have to drive every were probably a few hundred a day. But I love it.
Today we worked at "Cameron". It is a soup kitchen/After School Club Program. I did food service hairnet and ALL, and then paper work... I am so good at it....I have never seen so many people with hard lives.

I met a guy that is like maybe 35. He has 9 biological kids and like 4 step kids....all different moms. I am mostly working with drug addicted teens at this point. It's crazy. Fun though, and pretty safe. But there are drive by shootings a lot and stuff, cause I work in Rochester too.

My first Baptism is on Saturday. Her name is Kemi and she is Nigerian!!!! I thought grandma and grandpa would love that..... Then she is going to teach us to dance on Monday.

Apparently the ward I am working in is very well different. At the new beginnings the girls brought gangs in and it indeed in a huge fist fight brawl thing so I think I will be able to
help a lot.... lets hope?

I got to go the sacred grove and sit by my self for 20 minutes. I loved it. I prayed for MANY things, it was just so nice.

The weather is FREEZING. Last night I woke up at about 1:30 to a thunder storm slash lightening that would light up the whole house and shake it. It lasted for an hour. We have the nicest apartment in the area though! Anyways, my companion is Sister Wilkson.

I hear I got a package today. We are on our way to do a baptismal interview. This is the place for me....
Don't worry. I will be safe. Say hi and I love you all! I get to email on Monday again! Just a quick check in.. I will try and get you pictures.!
Love ya,
and my president (directors of VC) are the Albanians.... Lenkers.... look it up?
loves kissers

Letter Eleven: April 15, 2011

On My Mission.....

Well sorry it feels like it has been forever, I started Visitor Center Training and my preparation day got switched to Friday and its really only a half prep day. First things firsts, I have written many of you but the letters keep getting sent back so ( Mitch, Uncle Bret, Kaitlin) I wrote you like 2 weeks ago and it got sent back don't be offended.

WOW the change into a English district was strange....I am totally grateful for all of the time that I have spent in the MTC because I feel so prepared to go, and I feel bad for the English ones because most of the time they don't get through all of the lessons. For my random 3 or 4 days of English training and had two GREAT teachers. Brother Laubaugh and Brother Hoops (who is from Boise, and we have some common friends). I loved seeing different teaching methods and how they loved the gospel. It was not to hard for me to say goodbye to the English district but it kind of made me relive saying goodbye to mine and so it made me a little bit sad! After they left it was Just Sister Crook and I for two days before we could start VC training. We kind of took it easy, don't worry we still got a lot done but it was nice to make our own schedule for two days!

Sister Crook and I have really developed a great unity. She is a super funny girl, we walk maybe 5 steps without her being stopped and told how pretty she is, (because she is) and asked if they can take a picture of her. It gets a little bit awkward at times with the elders, they love to flirt.....It is also hard to go anywhere because she knows literally everyone, and we get to stop and talk to them. She is a model, she has done the last three issues 9f 'Down East, shes the tall tan one that looks like a quidet (Jersey Shore). She has a great sense of humor and i love it.

So visitor center training has started, and can I just say I LOVE IT! This is perfect for me. We have our own special private room with keypad entrance and everything. Last night was our first Visitor Center Practice. Turns out one of my previous EFY participants Morgan came, and she acted as my non-member! It was crazy to hear from her that she is getting married soon, I only had her last summer! This teaching taught me that I talked WAY to much. SO for the second time I wanted to make sure that I didn't talk a lot, so I prayed and asked to be the listener. Then on my second round I got to teach a real member and we did the real life thing and my prayer was sure answered.

It was by random assignment and I got the beautiful black girl from FL. She had a crazy conversion story about how she had searched for different churches her whole life, and she had known about the LDS but her Grandma did not like it. Her sister turned 18 and got to be Baptized. Long story short during YW's one Sunday she stood up and yelled "Fine! I want to be baptized!" She did and then met her husband. They were sealed in the temple and had two kids. Then one day her husband took the kids and said were leaving and did not give her a reason why. She still talks to him and the kids but to this day she says she doesn't know why. But her testimony if firm and she knows it will all work out. I was amazed. Her plan is to come and do school and get a good job and the fight in court for her kids. I told her that she had such a strong testimony and that she needed to be sharing it with everyone. SO I got my first real referral! (in VC training we are taught that this is our fruit, not baptisms) Any if any Elder or Sister thinks about this in a lowly manner, just remember that most of the people you teach are our referrals :) we are the front line! I love the idea of a visitor center because I will meet people from all nations, I will meet members, less active, inactive, and nonmembers but the purpose is still the same and each person still needs something. We all need something from someone!

Finally, last like Thursday Night I got my Travel Plans, I am LEAVING finally on my like week 15..

I had my final Doctors appointment with Doctor Thorpe. He took me of all my Medicines for the most part I went from taking like 10 a day down to 3 or 4. I feel a lot better, not tired, and hopefully I will lose the weight it made me gain, but don't worry I'm not fat.

I had my last pass of inspection yesterday with Doctor Sampson at the MTC and had him do a quick strep check because my throat hurt, and honestly it would happen to me. It came back negative thank heavens so just another cold. The joke is now that everyone thinks they are going to just keep delaying me and i will eventually serve in the MTC. But weird I have already served a good chunk of it in the MTC!

Overall though, I love the VC training, it is the perfect mission for me! I think I needed the time in the MTC, I needed to meet certain people, and I feel like Its time to go. The packing has started! I still could have another suitcase so I bought another small one just for my Albanian books. Our room is a mess, and we love it because it means were leaving! I get to go to SLC on Saturday at 3 and come home by 9. I get to do the real thing! I am pretty excited! I am praying that I get paired up with the two Native Albanians there so I can use some of my Albanian. I feel like since I have let my brain rest a little bit that I can speak it so much better now.... weird eh?

Anyways, my Preparation Day is super uber short today so If you don't get a letter this week, or birthday card im sorry! I don't know when my next one will be....but i think this is my new address (don't dear elder me after today i wont get it!) unless you send it to the NY Rochester one?

Sister Vaterlaus
New York Rochester Mission
100 Perinton(or perrington-check on that)- Hills
office park Ste. 120
Fairport, NY 14450

And feel free to write me!!!!! I accept packages to, since my companion is famous she at least gets one package a day, one day she got six with about 13 letters, I got to help her carry them back to the was just funny.....Thank you to all have written me in the MTC and I am sorry if the mail has not been getting to you, I don't know why crazy!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh its frustrating but I am trying!
Okay, well I am out, and so ready to go only like 3 days!
I love you all and you're hot!
Motra Vati/Sister Vaterlaus

Letter Ten April 7, 2011

Well, it's so crazy how much can change in one week. First of all, my Preparation Day has changed to Thursdays (for this week). I have entered a random English branch for their last 5 days. However, I am companions with Sister Alexendra Crook. She will be going to New York with me as well. It is so different, English speaking. I always just start talking in Albanian and realize that know one understands me which has both its benefits and none? Ha.

I really enjoyed Conference; it was pretty good! I only fell asleep during the foreign speaking ones cause I couldn't understand them except Uchtdorf. I really love the talk that empowered women and also the talked about marriage. It is so true, and it made everyone in the MTC like freak out a little bit, because they are all planning on getting married two weeks after they get home now. So to my single friends, but mostly siblings, IT IS TIME TO GET MARRIED. I am serving so that you can be blessed with a spouse. :)

On Saturday night we got to watch the Young Women Re-run of conference. I kept thinking of cousin Madalyn McRae, I was so excited that she hopefully got to watch it.

After that, Monday was rough. I started to say my goodbyes, to my district, because I was starting my procedure prep at 3 that day and would have to stay in the rest of the night. They were all leaving at 5 the next morning. It was extremely hard to say goodbye to all of them. I had all of my elders administer another blessing for me fore my procedure and also for the last time. It was amazing. I had Elder McCullam do it again.

So all the Albanians were preparing and I knew they would have a lay over in NY. Since I was missing the testimony meeting Monday night, I decided to write the group a letter, and then each missionary, and told them they could only read them in New York! It was fun to hand them out. I lost it when I had to say good bye to some of my Elders they have become some of my closest friends and also the Motras. Elder Merrat left me with a very inspiring letter that they made me. I feel a lot better about not being a motra anymore.

So after all the goodbyes I went back to the Room, and started Colon Prep. I can see why they make people wait till they are 50 to get one. It is NOT fun at all. I did loose 8 or 9 pounds- that's for sure. But I was up the entire night.

The Motrat left around 5 and I hugged them each goodbye. After realizing that Motra Read had left her straightener, Papritz and I darted after her and caught her before getting on the bus, and it gave me a chance to say goodbye to everyone again!

The night before though, one of our Elders who was already packed and everything (Edler McCullam), found out that he was delayed because of his stomach, and would not fly out. So Tuesday morning I went to weigh myself at the gym and saw him I freaked out! I thought he had gone! I was so excited to still have someone there.

After that I went to my procedure with Papritz (who found out she was finally leaving the next day) and met up with Emily! It was so SO fun to catch up with Emily. It was not weird to see her and it didn't make me homesick; I really liked it alot. The things she brought were perfect. My new first day of my new mission outfit was perfect, and the cookies where delicious and I love my new scripture marker!

The procedure itself was not bad at all. Kevin was my nurse again. Emily brought me Subway and Jamba and I loved it. They didn't find anything wrong, so now it is just managing the medicines. I met with the PA Ibarra today and just lowered my dose of Doxepin to 25 for now. I get one more big doctor appointment next week with Thorpe for the clear off!

So after my procedure I went and slept from 12 to about 4:30 in Sick Bay- I loved it! Then we finished packing up and went to the devotional. I was SO happy though, because Elder McCullam found out that he was fine and that he would get to fly out the next morning at 5. So He and I sat together and talked in our Albanian during the fireside with the Hungarians, and then joined them for their district meeting. It felt so weird because EM and I felt really old in the MTC and wise with the brand new Hungarians.

I said my final goodbyes to EM and he left. I spent one last night in my high class room and then the next day Papritz and Skiba helped me move buildings. This one is a lot more trashy for sure......I only have 3 room mates now. Its crazy. My companion is gorgeous. People just stop and stare, its different because I have been here for almost 13 weeks and she is on week 2. So its fun to finally have a say in something and feel like I can help!

The last lesson that the Motrat taught, we got a fake investigator to cry for real and commit to baptism. It was such a neat experience!

Other Highlights:

We had some football player come and speak Sunday night, Aki something or other he works for NBC to for sports it was a nice relaxing time for sure!

Other than that I have been some impressed by all of the prayers and faith that are being exercised in my behalf. I the best example has still Been Addison Fish, becauseI received a letter from her (she is in primary) and she told me she fasted the whole 24 hours for me to feel better. I have never seen such faith and in such a young girl. She is truly a daughter of God. I thank you all, and send my best. I love you and I am doing well. Just readjusting. My new box number is 163!

Thanks again!



Letter Nine! March 30, 2011

I am so happy to hear that I have so many people that care about me. Thank you to Addison Fish, that shows me such faith that such a young girl would fast for me! It has truly brought me blessings and what a great example she is to me. That is amazing.

I just went to the last temple session with my district. It has been a rough long week because of the language 24/7... I won't lie because of more medical problems I was unable to fully fulfill it, but I found that I love translating from Albanian but not really speaking it. I am so grateful that I will not be dependent upon it, because I think it would be too stressful for me and my body. The Lord really knows what is best for me.

At the temple, I was pretty annoyed walking in because the district was still in its hostile phase. Then I looked up and saw KAITLIN, I had tears of joy when I saw her streaming down my face. It was so nice to see someone familiar and take a picture with her ( I want a copy please girl :)) After that we went and did a session as a district. It was so powerful, however because I am taking so much medicine I pretty much slept through most of it, but I tried! After we went down to the cafeteria and ate lunch together. It was a blast. A little better then MTC food.....

This last Sunday was Fast Sunday, but I have unable to fast by doctor's orders because of my medicine and keeping myself balanced. It was good this Sunday though because my Hungarian (who got delayed another two weeks because her foot got infected after surgery) could not eat. So we had the entire cafeteria to ourselves; it was very peaceful.

Sundays Sacrament Meeting was good. It was really good to see how far we've come (song... I know). But then it hit me, and I just started to cry because one of the MTC presidents got up and talked about my experience and how its all the Lord. I was crying because I have come to love my companions and I have come to love my elders. I have formed lifelong relationships with some of them that will be very hard to cut off this Tuesday.

I have met my new Companion for NY. Lets just say she's hot, she is a model, she is tall skinny, and super tan. In other words she is a Snookie....Total Guidet, so I am VERY excited. From what I understood she spent the two weeks before her mission in the Virgin Islands getting tan for New York. I think I already love her!

So for the doctor, I went in because like on the Oregon Trail I took another turn for the worse. Ibarra said to let him know if things had changed. They had, and so now I will be having another procedure on Tuesday Morning which is the same time my district leaves. This is going to be another rough few days. Hopefully they will find out what is going on. I have to pack everything up though and move at some point this week to. I think the Hungarian Papritz is going to go to the hospital again with me. I am going to try and get a prescription for JAMBA again for me and her.

We taught our last lesson on Monday for night teaching, and it felt real. We were teaching a 24 year old man who had come home from his mission early gotten married and divorced. We committed him to to church and to repent. We have one last lesson to teach tomorrow night in Albanian. It will be sad to bot be able to use my Albanian as much but, I know I will have the gift of tongues when I need it.

One thing that I have had to adjust to is is MAX being gone. I am always looking for him and his not being here anymore it is really sad. It was such a blessing to have him here. I miss him, but I hear he is dong just great!!!! I am so proud of him. Tell him hi for me!

I don't know if I will have much time for writing today, however, thank you for all of the letters and support and the packages and for the fasting. Thank Addision personally for me, because that is the neatest thing I have ever heard. Thank you again. Know that I am happy and that I love having the desire now to serve a mission and that everything is falling into place. I have no idea what my schedule will be like next week so be aware of that.... Congrats to cousin Spencer on the RM. and it sounds like you will all have fun in Logan, but I will miss the cousin time!!!! I love you all, good luck to Uncle Bret! And congrats to Emmers and Alex!!!

Motra (for the last time) Vaterlaus

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sister Vaterlaus's Eighth Letter! MARCH 23, 2011

On my Mission!

Well, well, well....TODAY is the day. I started my Consecration week about 30 mins ago, so far no English. We are going from today all the way until next Wednesday when we enter the temple grounds. We are only allowed to speak English if we are at a meeting or the doctors. So i might get to speak a lot...bej shaka (just kidding). For Consecration week we also give things up, however My teacher told me that my sacrifice of speaking a foreign language for an entire week is a HUGE one and is impressed that I am even willing to do it. I will try my best, it will be hard, but I CAN DO HARD THINGS!

So I went to the doctor again this week, and at this point I have stumped another person. He upped my dosage of one of the medicines. I take about 7 to 8 pills a day- 6 of which cause drowsiness, so I fall asleep a lot, and they cause loss of coordination so I am clumsy now!

However I have been feeling slightly better. I have another doctors appointment in two weeks with the PA and then they are so worried (ish) that they got me an appointment with the best GI doctor at Central Utah before I leave to make sure everything is good.

This week has been way good! We had the Hungarian and another sister move in with us. Sister Kurts was the other one, she is cute,and I LOVED having her there because she is going to the Park City visitor Center (she is the first sister to go there). So she filled me in on all the Visitor Center things. Her cousin has also been called to my new mission and will be coming in at the same time, so I will have fun!

With all of this medicine I am on, my doctor has given me permission to take medical naps when needed. So Saturday for two hours with the other sickly girl I got to take a nap, I may or may not have loved it.

Saturdays are also my favorite days because we get to the play the foot game. Which is an Albanian kids game, we love LOVE it, especially when the weather is good.

On Sunday we had a pretty good day, we practiced for choir, we sang Be Still My Soul. The Major Choir director started to cry and told us how his two daughters had both been killed in a car accident and when he was as low as he could go he listened to this song and it brought him back, he had peace. I was so impressed by how much music can really change your thoughts, and make you feel the spirit.

I also ended up sitting but with a whole group of random girls who turned out to be VISITOR CENTER GIRLS! It was so fun to talk to them and to hear what is to come for me. There were the Battalion, DC, and Temple Square sisters. I loved it, and turns out Sister Allen (DC VC) is good friends with Katlin Grey, so we were automatic friends. I am so excited to start VC training.

That Sunday night Max and I with out companions snuck off into a room and took many goodbye pictures (only on his camera) and gave a few illegal hugs. It was pretty sad, no tears, but I am so proud of him and so excited for him- he will be amazing! It was not until last night that I was looking for him and realized he was no longer there that I felt really sad. I am the only Vaterlaus left here, I better finish it off strong.

Monday was uneventful, kind of; we have had a pretty sick district. One of the Elders went in for a HIDA scan for his Gallbladder, another one a few weeks ago ended up with a major inflamed colon. All I can say to any future missionary, there may be a lot of food, but you don't have to eat it all, and avoid the juice. We taught two of our investigators.. One is a a boy who left his mission early and stopped going to church at got married then divorced. Even though it was fake we could really feel him changing it was so cool.

Tuesday was great, because we had a Devotional. We have been very surprised at the fact we have one had one of the 12 in 10 weeks. It's a record. I might cry if I don't get one in the 14 weeks that I am here.

We had a swell district meeting. These last two weeks have been hard for both the sisters and the elders because we are all in the hostile phase. Everyone is grumpy, and upset, and its kinda of depressing. So we try to lighten up the mood as much as we can. Its funny because people will just freak out. I can tell you that it is hard to be here for that long, but totally do-able for sure.

For the day after my group leaves I will be joining another English group in there the last week (awkward) and then I will be joining a week after the VC girls. So it looks like I will get to move twice and then finally maybe leave if I am cleared!!!!

I got my letters from the new mission president I am still waiting on new dress code, but it sounds like I will be doing a lot of tours. SO SERIOUSLY... this summer would be a good time for you go take a trip to NY.

I have learned so much from these experiences here at the MTC. To anyone thinking about a mission, it is a good choice, a HARD one, but a good one. I can already see how this is preparing me for my future. It is in no was easy, but the one major thing I have learned at the MTC is that I can do hard things and so can you. Give everything over to the Lord and good things will happen. I promise.

Thank you to the ward for all of the support, to my family who writes me, and to my beloved friends. It makes my day when I get a letter. I love you all, and hope you all the best.

Motra Vatri

Sister Vati's 7th Letter! March 16, 2011

On My Mission---

It was last Thursday that I was called into the MTC presidents office- FINALLY! After becoming best friends, and he asked if I had any boys waiting for me. He said that if not, he would set me up when I got back.

Then he told me...........



I can not tell you how happy I was. I told him how funny it was that I was reassigned there because that is where I thought /wanted to go in the first place. It got even better when he told me I would finish Albanian. The only kind of downside is that I am now a
14 week MTC sister.

I will finish Albanian on April 5th and have the for sure tearful goodbye to my companions and district whom I love! Then I will have a week of Albanian maybe to myself or maybe just nothing, until the next week where I will do my visitor center training with the girls going to NY!

I was told I may or may not use my Albanian, in New York, but I have already invested so much time that the Apostles thought there is a reason....

This was a HUGE learning experience of PATIENCE and of FAITH and of PRAYER. I can't tell you how hard it was to learn in the MTC with no destination, but luckily I can do hard things! I have never been so happy!

I will get to work in Palymara, the Hill Cumorah Pageant- pretty much all of the historic sites in NY. So now I am accepting visitors! This would be a great time to book plane tickest to come see me :) I mean New York, is a lot closer then Albania!

So now I need to buy a whole new wardrobe... we will see how that works out! I had my new ENGLISH badges for the VC put into my mailbox, they were handed to me in the class, I almost burst into tears, It will be very hard to not be a true Motra, and leave my District!

As for my health....I have some still! I have still been somewhat sick, I had another doctors appointment on Monday, where I got a CT. I had to drink a gallon of some mixture. The lady felt bad though, and decided to pour in an entire thing of Crystal Light. I have never drank so much and had something so sour!

I then got to get in scrubs, they only had XL, so it looked pretty funny. It took three different trys to get an IV in. ( the guy was nervous I think because his wife is friends with Emily). Then I had the iodine. The CT came back about normal with a few quirks, but over all good! I had to go in on Tuesday for a follow up at the MTC one.

While I was in the waiting room, I started to have the worst pain ever, I thought I was giving birth. I couldn't really move, so thank heavens it happened in a doctors office, because they gave me a shot of what I like to call "child's narcotics". Tramadol? I think.

Oh my heavens was I happy after that. At this point, all they can do is give me pain killers for when it hurts, because there's not much more to do. Anyways I go back in on Monday to the GI!

We have been teaching in Albanian for awhile now. It is still hard but we are managing. We taught, what we felt, was our first really good lesson last night, to Rudi. An Albanian. He did NOT follow through on his commitment so we did what we were taught and got mad at him ( in a good missionary way). It turned out really well! We then read the scriptures with him and after asking like 7 times, we convinced him to pray for us. It was fun!

We have also been teaching a sister named Suzy, in the TRC. She is cute, she said we were the only ones that had meet her needs since she started the character. She said we are the best trio she has seen teach because it is so hard to balance with three. However our trio has been through a lot and we have become so unified that it has helped out teaching a lot!

The motrat is having lots of fun. We have developed a weird nightly routine. We start saying things in Albanian and then they just turn into animal sounds, which I guess is the most appropriate fun missionaries can have!

I have joined the choir, and I am pretty much professional. I am just trying to expand my abilities at the MTC, and or my companions want to go and or its a good way to get a seat!
My dad would be proud because ever Monday Morning we get up at 6:30 and we go and clean bathrooms. 5 HUGE ones. I am the mopper and sweeper. I am so good at it......

Thank you to all of my friends, family, and ward for your support. I received lots of mail this week and it truly was a good thing :) Know that I am SO HAPPY, and have some health! I can't wait until I get to go to New York and find the 5 Albanians I may teach.

I learned that if we let the Lord take care of everything and put it in his hands then it will all work out. He has a plan for each of us, a SPECIFIC plan. It is crazy that my mission has played out this way but I would have it no other way. I have learned so many things that will bless me through out my life. It will help me with a future husband (if he's lucky), children, and trials to come- I am sure. Prayer works and having a firm faith understanding of Christ really takes you far in life.

I love you all, and I am preparing for Consecration week next week. It starts Wednesday. We ONLY speak Albanian. PERIOD no matter what.... We'll see :)

Sister/Motra Vati

Sixth Letter from Clare! March 2, 2011

On my Mission....
Well, what a week....I don't think I will make it through a dull week until my mission is over. On Saturday we did our first full day of SYL (speak your language) and it was rough. It was pretty fun though to make sentences!

Anyway, I have been pretty sick still with a nasty cold and I can't have cold medicine. Sunday was great until I got called into the President's office. Apparently my district leader had talked to him and said he was concerned and worried that Iwould not be able to go to Albania.

First off, I was pretty upset, it was not his place, but it's okay, he was concerned. The president (being a docotor) was very concerned. He made me come in and talk to him for almost an hour. At times he was positive but most of the time he shed no confidence in me going to Albania. He told me that I would probably get reassigned this week to another Alb. speaking mission! THEY DON"T EXSIST. I was so upset.

I finally got him to agree if a docotor could prove it then I would be okay to go. So i had my appointment switched to Tuesday and I went in. From Sunday to Tuesday was awful. I had three decisions:

1. Go home (which was one of them because a companion such am I (sick) amd such a burden no matter where I go) which I understand.

2: To be reassigned

3: Go to Albania.

No one was really being positive, and I was sure I was going home. I decided to PRAY PRAY PRAY. Max and Talbot and their companions gave me a blessing on Sunday night. It was really good, and you can tell they were prepared for such a task. It said good things and prepared me for whatever deciscion was to come.

I had a dream to read Timonthy so I read both 1 and 2. It was a good laugh because it answered all three of the decisions and made each of them okay. SO this Motra read and I went to the doctor. He explained also that it is unfair to a companion kind of but it is totaly do able and he had faith. As long as the medicine works. So we went back on the
Doxpein, WHICH I LOVE, and it can be obtained in some form in Albania and he said he would write a full letter explaining how I would be able to go.

However at the MTC, if you see an outside doctor you must see the MTC one. (Who's number 1 hobby is sending missionaries home.) He was so negative and said I still will not go to Albania for the most part and that it is a slim chance. I lost my temper and gave him some
"advice".....I will leave it at that. He told me that I don't have to like him, so I guess that's good.

I told him that it was the Lord that gave me the call, not him. After that he said I better see the BIG president. I have been trying to get into him all day. However my branch president talked to me last night and I told him how frustrating this is that no one has confidence in my mission, and that I become even sicker when I am stressed about these things.

He said that the letter from the GI doctor would prove to be very helpful in the end. So in my mind, I AM still going to Albania, but who knows, apparently things may change.........Whatever happens I am will accept it, however, I am worried that people are forgetting that the PROPHET from the LORD gave me this call with full confidence in completing it. It has been a very VERY stressfull week, I thought once I got on a mission I would not have to make the decision again. Its okay though, I am doing alot better, and this medicine worked already so I have faith in whatever happens happens.

Anyways, past that, Albainian is coming along. It's hard to have the desire to learn it when I am being constantly told I will be reasigned. However, my teacher, who knows I am going, says I am doing great, even with missing so much class, and have so much stress and no voice at this point. He is proud of my language skills.

We had Ann Dibbs come and talk to us on Sunday in RS. It was amazing, I got to hang out with the prophet's daughter! She let us have a open form questions thing about him. So i feel like I know him very well! She kept us an half an hour more even! That night we had Stephan B. Allen speak again, which is good because he is my favorite. He asked all of the siblings in the MTC to stand up, and me and Max were like 2 of 8. It was cool to see! He talked about turbulence and how the Lord sends them to those he trusts.

Tuesday night we had Bishop Edgley come and speak; that was good. The best part was I was in the third row, and a guy from the NEW YORK TIMES came to take pictures for something, so I am pretty much in all of them. Please look out for me, I am in an orange sweater. IT WAS SWEET!

We have been getting new rules all over in our branch this week. We are not allowed to get our mail untill bedtime any more, which makes the days go ON and ON. However it's one more thing to be obedient on which means one more blessing...right?

Thank you to all who have been praying for me, sending me packages, and letters, and Dear Elders. It is very nice to have something to read, when the turbulence gets tough.

I am enjoying my time here even though mine is nothing like usual MTC experience. It is the HARDEST thing in the world, but as I continue I know its what is preparing me for my future.I CAN DO HARD THINGS! I am learning so much about the gospel and Albania. I truly have seen the Lord come into my life and challenge me but bring me blessings. I am greatful for this oppertunity, and will take what is in store for me!

I love you all!
